Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A New Start

School starts in less than a week. Believe it or not, I always look forward to going back to work after 2 months off. I don't know what it is, but by the end of the summer I am ready to get back to it. Usually that feeling wears off quickly after school begins though... ;)

I have been going in to work for a few days to set up my classroom, and it definitely feels like I am back at work. After all, I am working. I wish I could just lead a life of leisure! D'oh...

This year, not only am I taking on a major practicum student-teacher, but I am also going to be working toward my Masters degree in Educational Practice. I have had student teachers before, so I know what I am getting myself into in that regard, but I have no idea how much work I will have to do for the MEd. program... and I am starting to panic. It's easy to contemplate doing all these tasks outside of regular teaching when I am relaxing during the summer, but crunch-time is quickly approaching. Will I be able to handle it? Time will tell.