Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Stratford, London & Horley

After settling into my two star hotel, I napped and then decided to go for a walk around Stratford, which is very close to their Olympic Village. I walked for about 20 minutes or half an hour and saw many things, mostly small dingy shops, and some less dingy shops, with more ethnicities and languages than my own. It reminded me of Whalley in Surrey, except with the odd cathedral or historical building thrown in.

I didn't get terribly far because a whole area of streets was blocked off by the police, and people were frustratedly trying to get around the blockade. I overhead an officer tell someone it was due to a stabbing. Yup, just like Whalley. ;)

I would have loved to take out my large camera and just spend a few hours taking photos around town, but I decided to save that for when I was back in central London the next day. Besides, I felt like I was already a tiny bit conspicuous since I was the only one with pants and a long-sleeved jacket on. If I took out my camera TOO, then the jig would be up and they'd know for sure that I was an imposter. So, I used my small camera and got a few shots before getting groceries and retiring to my room for the night.
Finished reading A Long Way Gone that P lent me.  What a powerful book! Now I am on to 11/22/63 by Stephen King. I also have 4 other books downloaded to my iPad (and 3 movies) to keep me busy. Sometimes I get tired of looking at the screen, though.  Maybe I should've thought to download an audiobook as well. Ah well - I can't be in the middle of too many things at once; information overload!

The next morning I decided to take my friend Jennie's advice and go do a riverboat cruise.  I have never been down the Thames, and it would give me a chance to sightsee as well as relax. Sounded just about perfect. :)

Well, it wasn't totally perfect. I don't know what I was thinking when I booked the return ticket. I probably wasn't thinking that the entire trip would be eight solid hours on a boat. I probably didn't think that taking the train the way back was the smart thing to do - even though that's what everyone else was doing. I probably didn't think that dragging my suitcase around with me would be that big of a deal. 

Despite the imperfections, though, the cruise was great. It went all the way down to Hampton Court Palace, which was beautiful.  Got some photo evidence to prove it! :) After I finally got off the boat, I headed to Victoria station and made my way to Horley, which is where I met S! She was waiting for me outside our little guest house.  Yay!  Dinner, a walk, and bed. Our flight leaves at 6am for Oslo. The Scandinavian portion of our adventure awaits!


p.s. - always super amazed by the public transportation system here
 - when someone asks you if you want "salad" with your sandwich, they just mean lettuce. On your sandwich.
- look before you cross (both ways), and mind the gap
- apparently the weather here is crazy-unusual-hot
- what the heck is "brown sauce"? I don't know, but I don't want it...

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