1. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with 2010?
I would rate it 6 out of 10. Maybe 7 out of 10.
2. Why did you score that way?
2010 was a year full of amazing experiences, and not all of them good ones. But, I have learned a lot about people, and a lot about myself this year. I can only hope to continue down the road of personal growth. Everything I have been a part of has served me, one way or another.
3. What are your biggest accomplishments this year?
I helped friends and family commemorate some epic milestones this year. I went to five weddings, celebrated many births, attended a graduation ceremony, helped colleagues finish a two-year program, was part of a championship team, mourned several losses, watched children grow before my very eyes, and shared in some very personal & some very public struggles. My biggest accomplishments are in supporting others.
I also did some travelling this year: Mexico, New Orleans, Portland, Las Vegas - and to some more local destinations like Harrison Hot Springs, Campbell River, Kelowna & Kamloops. I know that travelling isn't much of an accomplishment, but it's something I enjoy doing, and it helps me appreciate everything I have. I saw some amazing things, I did some amazing things. I wouldn't trade my experiences for the world, but the best thing about travelling is coming home. Although there aren't many places in the world that I don't want to go, I love coming home. BC is beautiful, and I am so lucky to live here. Home is where my family is. Home is where my friends are. Home is where my heart is. And there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed! Having said that, I am excited to plan my next series of adventures away from home.
4. What are the biggest lessons you learned this year?
Not to work so much. To eat dinner at home instead of at my desk. To go outside more instead of looking at a screen all day. That my time is valuable - for my health and general happiness. To spend more time with people that give back. To appreciate my success, but more importantly, to appreciate those who help me succeed. That I have a long way to go. That I talk the talk way more than I walk the walk. I have learned, again, that change is HARD.
5. What are your biggest goals that you want to achieve next year?
I want to participate in a No Impact Week. I want to drink more water, eat better, exercise more, get more sleep, don't let work run my whole life, and stay as mentally & physically balanced as possible. Literally too - I'd really like to be able to balance on one foot with my eyes closed. That would be great.
6. What new habits do you want to cultivate?
I want to be a better neighbour. I want to be a positive part of my local and global community. Before the Olympics began, I was caught up in the furor of controversy. I wasn't sure that it was going to be good for us, and I'll admit it - I was rather blasé about the whole thing. It just seemed like a bunch of hullabaloo. Boy, was I wrong. One of my colleagues said it best: "No

7. What are your immediate next steps to achieve them?
Well, I started by writing this post. Next I will look into some exercise options for 2011 and see who else I can get on board. I will put up a calendar and track how successful I am. And go from there. :)